Lali has lived at shuktara since April 2008, from when she was about nine years old. She was abandoned by her family and had been living in a Childline hostel run by Don Bosco Mission. We know she has a sister (she came to visit Lali) and possibly she also had three brothers but she says little about her family life before shuktara.
Lali has cerebral palsy, is hard of hearing and has a speech problem. She studied at REACH school in their cerebral palsy unit. Like most girls her age she says “play time” is what she liked best about school!
At the end of 2013 the girls moved into their home, Lula Bari. All have fallen in love with their new surroundings and are overjoyed at having a secure home for the rest of their lives. Lali enjoys having small responsibilities around the house and proudly tells us that she loves to “clean upstairs and wash the floor.” The house is full of her beautiful embroidery and art.
Along with the other girls at shuktara, Lali has received the love and support she needed enabling her to become a happy and confident teenager.
“She is a sensitive girl and although she doesn’t tend to get angry she will cry when something upsets her,” says Pappu, shuktara’s chairman. “When you give her something to do in the house, she feels really special. She makes very loud noises of happiness. And she is always smiling which we all find infectious!”
In October 2017 Lali and Tamina, who were in the Cerebral Palsy Unit and Special Needs Unit respectively, finished their schooling.