This means that Mike has been a Trustee for 14 years and Chairman for 13 years. Earlier this month on 18th September at a Shuktara Trust (UK) Trustees Meeting held in London Mike expressed that it is now the right time for him to step down as Chair and suggested that Adam Thompson takes over the role. Adam confirmed that he was happy to do so.
Adam Thompson first visited Kolkata back in 2001 and has been involved in all things shuktara since then, including being a trustee since 2005. In February, earlier this year he visited again with his son Frankie and you can read his description of the visit here:
Adam’s visit to shuktara
Mike will of course continue to be a Trustee and we thank him for his commitment over the years and look forward to working with him and socialising with him and Sue much more – now they have more time.
We are all also grateful for their promise to support Adam as he takes over this important role.
We welcome Adam as Chairman and all he can bring to shuktara in this role. His care and love towards the young people at Lula Bari and Anna Bari that we witnessed in February brought a smile to everyone’s face.
Thank You Mike Tungay and welcome to the role of Chairman Adam Thompson.
Some words Adam wrote on his return to London from his previous visit seem just as relevant today:
“I like to imagine myself in another twenty years, grizzled, perhaps lame in one leg and once again drinking tea on the roof of shuktara as the sun goes down. If this shuktara of the future has fostered even half of the love it has shown over the past twenty years we will all as supporters, feel incredibly proud of the work that David, Pappu and the team have done. I don’t bet (much), if I did, my guess is that all the right foundations are in place for a home of much happiness for many, many years ahead.”